索尼投入超4億美元 打造有望超越星鳴特攻的遊戲大作

來源:直播吧2024-09-22 10:02

Colin Moriarty, a person in the PlayStation industry and former IGN journalist, revealed in a podcast today that he had spoken with the staff of "Starblast" and confirmed that the actual production cost of the game was about $400 million.

This disclosure has sparked lively discussion in the gaming community, to the point that many people have overlooked the second half of his statement in the podcast: Sony is developing even more expensive games. "Sony's first-party and second-party studios are developing better games, but they are more expensive than this one ('Starblast')." according to Moriarty.

Based on Moriarty's disclosure of a $400 million development cost, it is indeed a limited list of options for a game that is more expensive and still in development. "Marvel Spider-Man 3" may be a suitable candidate - the previous installment, "Marvel Spider-Man 2," cost Sony $315 million, three times the cost of the original game.

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