姆巴佩保留大部分肖像權 前往皇馬後的廣告收入有望大增

來源:阿斯報2024-07-19 10:33

Oh, what a move by Mbappe! Joining Real Madrid means not only a change of scenery but also a change in income. The French sensation has accepted a pay cut of nearly half, but his true earnings lie beyond his salary. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

First and foremost, Mbappe has secured a whopping signing bonus as he joined the Galacticos on a free transfer. Reports suggest that this bonus is no less than 100 million euros, which will be distributed over the duration of his five-year contract.

Furthermore, Real Madrid will reward Mbappe with special bonuses based on his individual performances, such as winning the Ballon d'Or or the Golden Boot. A sweet incentive, isn't it?

But what sets Mbappe apart is his astute decision to retain 80% of his image rights. Even before his grand entrance at Madrid, merchandise bearing his name was flying off the shelves. This move alone ensures that Mbappe will enjoy a substantial stream of income.

And last but certainly not least, joining a club as illustrious as Real Madrid opens up new horizons, a profound platform that will undoubtedly attract lucrative personal endorsement deals. Say goodbye to modest advertisement earnings, and hello to the big leagues!

In summary, Mbappe's move to Real Madrid means not only a change in his salary but a whole new realm of income possibilities. The signing bonus, performance-driven bonuses, retained image rights, and increased endorsement opportunities all contribute to Mbappe's enhanced earning potential. It's a move that not only secures his present but also lays the groundwork for a prosperous future. Oh, what a signing!

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